If you’ve ever been to a formal dinner party, you know that there are certain expected behaviors. Using the correct fork for each course, not speaking with your mouth full, and not reaching across the table are examples of good table manners.
But why are table manners important?
There are many reasons why table manners are essential. From showing respect to others to preventing the spread of germs, good table manners can make a huge difference in your life.
Here are 15 reasons why table manners are important.
Showing Respect for Others
When you use good table manners, you show respect for the people with whom you’re eating. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a business associate, good table manners show that you care about the people you’re with.
Additionally, good table manners show that you’re willing to follow the rules and be considerate of others.
Using the correct utensils, not speaking with your mouth full, and not interrupting others are all examples of ways you can show respect for the people you’re eating your meal with.
Make a Good Impression
Have you ever been to a job interview where the interviewer took you out to lunch? If so, you know how important it is to have good table manners.
When trying to make a good impression, table manners can go a long way. As much as people like to say they don’t judge others, the reality is that first impressions matter.
If you’re trying to make a good first impression, everything you do will be noticed, from how you dress to how you speak. So make sure your table manners are on point.
Avoid Embarrassment
Imagine this scenario. You’re out to dinner with your boss and a few other people from work. The conversation is flowing, and you’re having a good time. But then, you reach for something on the table and accidentally knock over your water glass. As a result, water goes everywhere, including all over your boss.
In this scenario, good table manners could have prevented the embarrassing incident. For example, if you had been using proper table manners, you would have known not to reach across the table.
So, if you don’t want to embarrass yourself or others, make sure you mind your table manners.
Prevent the Spread of Germs
One of the most important reasons to have good table manners is to prevent the spread of germs.
When you use proper table manners, you’re less likely to touch your face or put your hands in your mouth. And, when you don’t do those things, you’re less likely to get sick.
So, if you want to stay healthy and keep others healthy, make sure you’re aware of dining etiquette. From not putting your elbows on the table to not talking with your mouth full, there are many ways you can prevent the spread of germs at the dinner table.
Make Mealtime More Enjoyable
Another reason to have good table manners is that it can make mealtime more enjoyable. When everyone at the table knows what’s expected of them, there are fewer awkward incidents, and nobody will be left embarrassed.
Additionally, the people around you will notice that you’re considerate of the way you make other people feel, making it easier to develop stronger relationships.
Doing things like not speaking with your mouth full and not interrupting others can make mealtime more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Set a Good Example for Others
If you have children, it’s essential to set a good example by using proper table manners. When you use good table manners, you’re teaching your children the importance of being respectful and considerate of others. Additionally, you’re showing them to follow the rules in certain situations when it’s necessary.
Also, by teaching your children table manners, they will be better prepared for social situations. They’ll know how to act, what to do and what not to do to make a good impression. Your kids will also learn when they need to be on their best behavior.
Avoid Offending Others
You might not think much about the way you eat, but the reality is that the way you eat can offend others. For example, if you’re eating with your hands, you might not think anything of it. But, to someone from another culture, eating with your hands could be seen as offensive.
If you’re eating with people from other cultures, be aware of their customs and traditions. Additionally, even if you’re not eating with people from different cultures, be mindful of how you eat. You don’t want to offend someone by accident or make them feel uncomfortable.
Lead to More Success
In today’s society, first impressions are everything. One of the ways you can make an excellent first impression is by using proper table manners. When you use good table manners, you’re sending the message that you’re respectful and well-mannered.
All of these qualities are important in the business world. Business deals often happen over meals, so making a good impression is critical. When you’re representing your company, you want to ensure you’re being polite, and that you’re putting your best foot forward.
Appear More Polished
Another reason to use proper table manners is that it can make you appear more polished. When you use good table manners, you come across as someone refined and well-educated. Additionally, it shows that you’re aware of social etiquette and know how to act in social situations.
Social etiquette is the basis for table manners. By understanding and following social etiquette, you can make a good impression in any social situation.
Be More Confident
While table manners might seem like a minor issue, they can impact your confidence. When you use proper table manners, you’re sending the message to others that you’re confident and sure of yourself. Additionally, it shows that you know how to handle yourself in various social situations.
If you’re not confident in your table manners, it can be a good idea to take some time to learn and practice them. By doing so, you’ll be able to go into any social situation with confidence.
Have Better Manners in General
Finally, using proper table manners can lead to better manners in general. When you use good table manners, you’re teaching yourself to be on your best behavior around other people.
These behaviors lead you to be aware of the people around you, which is important to becoming a well-rounded individual.
How to Learn Table Manners
Now that you know why table manners are essential, you might be wondering how you can learn them. If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few resources that can help you.
Attend a Formal Dinner Training Event
One of the best ways to learn table manners is to attend a formal dinner training event. These events teach you everything you need to know about table manners.
During a formal dinner training event, you’ll learn about the different utensils, how to properly set a table, and which fork to use for each course. Additionally, you’ll learn about the different types of wine and how to pour them properly.
These events are a great way to learn about table manners in a fun and interactive environment. They’re also a great way to meet people and make new friends with whom you can practice your table manners.
Take a Table Manners Class
Another option for learning table manners is to take a class. Community colleges and continuing education programs typically offer these classes. In a table manners class, you’ll likely learn about:
- The history of table manners
- General etiquette
- How to make small talk
- What to do if you spill something
- How to eat messy foods
Table manners classes are an excellent option for learning about table manners in a more formal setting.
Read Books or Online Resources
If you prefer to learn on your own, there are plenty of resources that you can use. For example, many books and online articles can teach you about table manners. These resources are especially good for people that want to learn at their own pace or don’t have access to formal classes.
One thing to remember, though, is that reading about table manners is no substitute for actually practicing them. So be sure to put what you’ve learned into practice to master the proper table manners.
Final Thoughts
Table manners are essential for many reasons. They can help you be more confident, have better manners in general, and make a good impression in any social situation.
There are many different ways that you can learn about table manners. For example, you can attend a formal dinner training event, take a class, or read books or online resources.
Whichever method you choose, be sure to put what you’ve learned into practice to master the proper table manners and show off your good manners in every social situation.